Mcginnis Education Center

Project Details:
Mcginnis Education Center
Aspinwall, PA
- Project Size: 12,000 sq. ft. 2 story
- Special Systems: LEED NC Silver rating
- McGinnis Education Center (Camp Guyasuta) - Actually two buildings in one, half of the center is a dormitory with space for 114 scouts at 6 per room. The other half is contains a large dining/meeting room, two conference rooms, and a kitchen big enough to serve 160. The building is the first BSA facility in the country to receive LEED certification
- This design received a LEED NC Silver Rating
- Mechanical system design - in-slab hot water heating system, gas fired boilers and air handling units, simple automation systems monitor and coordinate systems to conserve energy, low-flow showerheads and faucets significantly reduce wastewater
- Electrical design - fluorescent lighting and daylight harvesting
- Plumbing system design - waterless urinals, low-flow toilets, low-flow showerheads and faucets significantly reducing wastewater
- Life Safety design